My Case Mod has now been published in two different magazines. Below are the scans of the articles.
Mod of the Month Nov. 2004
UK version of PC Extreme Magazine
In September of 2004, this website was mentioned on the main page of http://www.boingboing.net and was overloaded when it exceeded the limit of 5 Gigabytes of transfer per day! One result of this is that I was contacted by the editor of PC Extreme Magazine in the UK. He wanted to feature it in an upcoming issue. With the help of a friend, a semi-pro photographer, we took the Hi-res images you saw on the proceeding page and they published them. Below are scanned images of the magazine page. As usual, click on the images below for a larger (and readable) image.
1700x1300 pixels, 1.4mb
1700x1300 pixels, 1.8mb
Mod of The Month Nov. 2006
UK magazine; PC Answers
With the continued posting of links to my website, I was approched by a writer of PC Answers magazine. Tanya Combinck called me and spoke at length about my work on the case mod. Below is the lovely article that she wrote. The below images are copyright of Future Publishing, used with their permission.
1700x1190 pixels, 700kb
1700x1190 pixels, 700kb