Hilton Garden In
Lakeland, Florida
Do you read or write fan fiction? Do you love television and movies? Do you want to get together with a group of people who will understand your passion? If so, Southern Media Con is for you!

We talk about all kinds of TV and movies and fan fiction. All interests are welcome. There are panels about het, gen, and slash fiction as well as general categories of television shows and some specific programs that are popular right now. Members are encouraged to suggest topics to appear on the program. There's a hospitality suite where we gather to chat and eat. You'll find people knitting and crocheting there quite often. Southern Media Con is a family reunion for the fannish family. We hope you will join us.

Where is being held?<br> We are at the Hilton Garden Inn by Lakeland-Linder Airport.
The address is:
3839 Don Emerson Drive,
Lakeland, FL, 33811
Phone: (866) 238-4218
What's the Price?
Three days of Fun & Fans can be had for the paltry sum of $60. (but only till 7-15-22) Those with a "last minute" style can still buy tickets at the door, but they will run you $75.
So, what goes on there? A small box description of events includes:
Vid suite, Boozy Ball, Vogon Prose readings, Panels, food, and facinating conversation!
Cost and Reservations?
Hotel rooms are $105 per night for 1-4 people and you
can reserves yours at:
(LINK not avabile yet)
Hilton Garden Inn Reservations for Southern Media Con
How can I pay?
We are working on a new method. Check back soon.
What else should I know? The average flight velocity of an unladen swallow.
Where your towel is.
Catnip affects Lions and Tigers. (Oh My!)
One in every five adults believe that aliens are hiding in our planet disguised as humans.

Schedules to be posted soon!
Friday Schedule

Saturday Schedule

Sunday Schedule