Tampa's foremost Science Fiction club
Welcome to the pages of the Stone Hill Science Fiction Association. Founded in 1979, we are the largest SF club in the Tampa Bay area and one of the major clubs in the state of Florida. Our main goal is to have fun by bringing together people with interests in the many facets of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror.
The Nav bar on the left will take you through these pages. Below is a short description for each of the links.
This page has a lengthy list of Frequently Asked Questions about all aspects of our club.
Stone Hill meets the second Sunday of each Month. Follow this link to find where upcoming meetings are being held. There are directions in html and PDF for all meeting locations.
Added in 2005, this page will feature announcements concerning special events, Necronomicon, and other news that club members wish to share.
Here, you can learn the origin of Stone Hill, where the name came from, who was involved and famous (and infamous) events. The Stone Hill history page will be an ongoing project and all members are invited to suggest content.
Members Email FAQ
Stone Hill offers email accounts to the members of the club. The address will be @stonehill.org which has a nice ring to it. The email can either be pulled from the POP3 server, or read as webmail. This page will tell you how to go about getting your Stone Hill email account set up.
Stone Home
Club Email
Splash Page
Stone Hill