Update 9-21-2021!
- The Schedule and Panels pages are now updated with the final list. (hopefully) There will be a one-sheet Grid Schedule at the Registration table.
- You can download and read a PDF version of the 2021 Program book at: Necronomicon 2021 Program Book
- Pre-purchase of memberships are now closed!
- The Tshirt orders for this year are closed. There will be 50 of various sizes available at the Con. Get there early to get one!
- The Staff of Necronomicon and Stone Hill are happy to announce that we ARE planning to hold the 2021 convention in Real Life. As the Covid vaccines keep getting rolled out, Necro will continue to monitor the situation in regards to any masks requirements. As of 8/31, we ARE going to require masks. This is also explained on this Special Covid Notice Page.
- *Due to family concerns relating to the surge in Covid 19 cases in Florida, our guests of honor have decided to participate via Zoom once again this year.
When you attend panels in which Pip and Tee are participating, the audience will be able to see and hear them onscreen via Zoom.
We thank Pip and Tee for taking the time to be with us in this way.
- Previous updates have been moved to the News page. Please see them there.
Aside from the links on the left, here are a few special pages that have been requested being linked off the main page.
- Membership cost: $40 Pre-Reg until September 15th; $50 at the door.
- Necronomicon has a page to explain our Rules & Policies of conduct for the Convention. Please read it.
- Our Convention is Fan run by Volunteers. If YOU would like to help out AND get your membership refunded, please see our Volunteers Page.
- Our Program Book offers the opportunity for you to Advertise with us and get your business seen by our membership.

This is the T-shirt
design for 2021
Follow the link to see
the full image and
how to order.